In 1882, the Post-Dispatch published this article detailing fortunes that were made, then "lost." (Some were not lost so much as divided between many descendants.)
The article has been edited for length; notes about the families are in italics.
One Generation Accumulates and the Next Dissipates.
"It is a very mournful thing," said a veteran barrister a few davs ago, "to look back and contemplate the families who used to rank as the leaders in fashion and fortune in this community and then think how most of them have faded out, rusted away; many of them ruined by extravagance and dissipation. ... "
The Lindells.
The great Lindell estate was the result of the work and fortunate speculations of Jesse and Peter Lindell. Their deaths resulted in their enormous fortunes, amount to about $8 or $9 millions, going to collateral relatives (nieces and nephews). The Lindell stock has died out, and future generations will know of the famous old family by name only.
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Lindell Boulevard is named for Peter Lindell, who died in 1861. Jesse Lindell's wife was Jemima. The brothers also operated the Lindell Hotel.
Thos. J. Payne was at one time one of the most notably wealthy men in the west, and he was quoted as one of the Croesuses of the day. Even during the panic of 1836, during which he lost fearfully, he was able to weather the storm and came out with something left. Of a once magnificent estate there is not a vestige left, and but few of the present residents of the city are aware that such a man ever existed.
The Benoists.
Louis A. Benoist's estate was estimated to be worth $2,000,000. Upon his death, however, this was divided between an enormous family, he leaving 23 children; each getting about $100,000. Some of the sons devoted themselves assiduously to getting rid of their wealth in various ways. Some had expensive tastes in the shape of horse flesh. No considerable portion of this once magnificent property remains together, and it is not to be quoted any longer as one of the great estates of the time. Several of the sons are in business, and are hard-working and useful members of society.
Benoist was a banker. His country home, the Oakland House, still stands in Affton. Among Benoist's grandchildren was Conde Nast, founder of the company that still bears his name and publishes Vanity Fair, Vogue and the New Yorker.
The O'Fallons.
John O'Fallon was one of the warmest hearted and finest gentlemen this city has ever been graced with. His estate reached in round figures $10,000,000, being chiefly in real estate. Upon his death his property was well divided up amongst his relatives. The largest portion went to his oldest son, James O'Fallon, this being $1,500,000. This gentleman was under the influence of a chimerical politician named Hatch, and his fortune wis dissipated in schemes of no practical value. Some of the heirs were prudent and have their means intact. Others of the boys have some very lively blood circulating amongst them, and have been concerned in several escapades about town, which have made them prominent.
John O'Fallon, who died in 1865, is remembered in the names of two towns, one in Illinois and one in St. Charles County. Part of his estate is now O'Fallon Park.
Daniel D. Page was at one time an enormously wealthy man, but lost his property through one way or another until he got down to actual poverty. A constable levied on his horse and buggy while he was driving through a street, and Mr. Samuel Gaty re-purchased it and sent it home to him. His son-in-law, W.T. Coleman, is in San Francisco, a wealthy man, and his other son-in-law, Henry D. Bacon, went into the banking business and prospered. Mr. Page's estate was estimated to be worth at one time $8,000,000.
Page Boulevard is named for this man, who was also a mayor of St. Louis from 1829-1833.
The Soulards were an enormously wealthy family in the lower part of the city. The property has been scattered among a very numerous family and as an estate it cuts no very great figure. The Soulards however are a very circumspect and high-bred family and are comparatively easy in circumstances.
Julia Soulard donated the land where Soulard Market now stands to the city, for use as a market.
Mr. Wm. Christie owned enormous tracts of land in north St. Louis, which were very valuable. The heirs ran through their fortunes as a rule, getting rid of them as soon as possible and by the most expeditious ways. There are a number of them in the city yet, but they are not ranked amongst the wealthy ones. The family is an old and good one.
The Chouteaus.
The Chouteau estate is well divided up, but the family is splendidly circumstanced, having taken excellent care of their means. The Maffitt and Chouteau branches of the descendants of Henry Chouteau are noted as being amongst the richest people in the Mississippi Valley. The ownership of Iron Mountain is in this family and it is a source of great revenue. The estate is in no one of its parts, however, equal to its former greatness.
Auguste Chouteau was one of the founders of St. Louis (at 14).
John Thornton was an eccentric man who was very wealthy. He was a bachelor and exceedingly miserly in his ways. He would lunch off a herring and a cracker with the top of a barrel for a table, and it was estimated that a suit of clothes would last him a dozen years. This property suffered diminution, and yet there remained a surplus of $575,000, which he willed to the Catholic Church.
Andrew Christy was at one time the owner of an enormous estate. At his death he left $1,000,000, which was scattered and dissipated through various channels.
The Mullanphys were one of the largest and most notable of all the old properties and was worth about $7,000,000. The founder or this estate was the famous John Mullanphy, a public spirited and liberal hearted man.
His son Bryan was the founder of the Mullanphy emigrant fund and Home, which has done untold good for many years, although at present much of its efficiency is impaired by the red tape method of transacting matters. Bryan Mullanphy, was an eccentric, and in 1847 was the mayor of the city. He inherited much of the liberal qualities of his father, and at one time donated one-third of his estate to the city. At one time both Thornton and himself were confined in the Sisters' Hospital for treatment for mental disorder.
In a correction to the original article (which had several errors), another writer wrote of Bryan Mullanphy: "His mind sometimes got off track, otherwise he was far above the average of lawyers even in those days. In manners, education, habits, sentiment and principle he was a man of honor in the sense bot of honestly and chivalry." Mullanphy was mayor from 1847-1848.
Miss Ann Mullanphy, daughter of John Mullanphy, married a Maj. Biddle, who was afterwards killed in a duel with Mr. Pettis, fought at Bloody Island. Indeed, both principals fought at five paces. The widow. Mrs. Biddle, built a female orphans' asylum upon her husband's death, and gave away enormous sums in charities of various kinds. She built a number of charitable institutions and and even gave up her fine residence in the cause of mercy. Major Biddle and his noble wife now rest together, and the inclosed monument at Tenth and Biddle streets is an interesting remembrance of the good works done in life. The property of the Mullanphy family is divided up well and is in good bands. If the monument referred to here is the burial place of the Biddles, it now stands in Calvary Cemetery. Among the descendants of the Mullanphys are the Frosts. Confederate Gen. Daniel M. Frost's daughter donated funds to St. Louis University, and its main campus now bears his name.
The Carrs.
The famous Carr estate, which was accumulated by the work of Judge Wm. C. Carr, was another handsome property. This was divided up very fine amongst a very numerous family, and is no longer regarded as an important estate.
William C. Carr was among the first attorneys in Missouri; he died in 1851.
The Colliers.
George Collier was the greatest of old time merchants, and by his business tact and perseverance gathered a large fortune together, while most of the old time millionaires got their fortunes by holding on to property until its value compounded and compounded. Mr. Collier made his by legitimate business methods. In this case the property fell to worthy heirs. The daughters of Mr. Collier were well married and the sons are prosperous business men.
Robert Campbell made an immense fortune through trading with Native Americans. His three sons inherit this and as they possess enough or the thrifty Scotch attributes of their father to take good care of it, it is apt to remain in the family.
The sons were all bachelors; their home is now the Campbell House Museum.
William Russell was one of the most successful land speculators the West has ever produced. His ventures were made in all parts of the country and were almost invariably successful, and at his death be left about $2,000,000. A large proportion of this went to Mrs. Thos. Allen, his daughter.
Russell Avenue is named for William Russell; after the death of his daughter, Ann Allen, her family developed a subdivision on the land he owned.
The Wiggins Estate was a fine one, having been made by three brothers, Samuel, Charles and William Wiggins, out of their ferry. They owned two ferryboats and about 1,000 acres of land about half a century ago, and their interest grew with the area. Finally the owners of the company became alarmed at the bridge project and disposed of their rights. The money found various outlets, and William Wiggins, who had the largest portion of it, went at a good pace for a long time, and, being of a very free and warm-hearted disposition, gave away a great deal in one way or another. "Billy" was one of the most popular men about town and found no end of friends who were willing to accept his bounty. Of late he has devoted much of his time to hunting, being of an ardent sportsman and of late he has been seldom seen in St. Louis.
Bernard Pratte was a man of very large property, and was at one time mayor of the city. His estate was well divided up, and as such cannot be quoted as important. Mrs. Dr. Robinson, who died a short time ago, was a daughter of Mr. Pratte.
Pratte was mayor from 1844-1846.
John B. Sarpy was another representative of the old French element, and his possessions in real estate acquired a great value. He was also largely interested in the fur trade and made a great deal of money in that way. Col. Don Morrison married one of his daughters.
The Blows.
Henry Taylor Blow was a Virginian, and one of the most remarkable men that ever attained prominence in business and political circles in this state. He made vast sums of money in the white lead business and at his mining and smelting works at Granby. He married Miss Minerva Grimsley, and by her had a very extensive family. His fortune was a very large one, however, and upon his death several years ago, he left large sums to each of his children. Some of his sons were very expensive livers, and Johnny, who was a very liberal and impulsive young man, lost not time in getting rid of his fortune. His early and untimely death was a matter of regret to his many associates. His brother, Peter Blow, is well known in the social world of St. Louis, and he has also lived up to his fortune.
Blow's daughter, Susan Blow, began the first kindergarten in the United States.
The Lucas Family is another example where enormous wealth has been gathered through the accumulated value on real estate investments. The family is of old French stock, and retains its possessions, although well divided up among the heirs of the late Judge Lucas.
Judge Lucas refers to John Baptiste Charles Lucas, an early settler in St. Louis. His son Charles Lucas was killed in the infamous duel with Thomas Hart Benton. His daughter Anne married Theodore Hunt, then his cousin Wilson Price Hunt. Lucas and Hunt Road's name remembers this part of the family. Lucas Place was developed by John B.C. Lucas, and was once the premier neighborhood in St. Louis. The Campbell House is the sole remaining residence from that neighborhood.
Nearly all the people mentioned in this article enslaved people.