Back row, left to right: Don Harris, Debbie Harris, Jarad Corzine, Sarah Corzine, Lake Education Support Services Center Principal Dr. Don Harris, and Wilson First and Second Education Center Principal Jayson Baker
Every month, the community nominates their favorite teachers and educators from the St. Louis region to be the St. Louis Post-Dispatch Teacher of the Month. January’s winner is Sarah Corzine, a second grade teacher at Wilson First and Second Education Center in the Granite City Community Unit School District (CUSD) #9. Mrs. Corzine received a $250 gift card courtesy of Elco-Chevrolet Cadillac.
Describe your teaching and educational experience.
I have had a wonderful experience and have been mentored by amazing teachers, principals and staff.
For eight years of my teaching career, a service dog named Mia come to school with me every day. She was trained through Duo Dogs Inc. and was assigned to my classroom as a therapy dog. She had an amazing ability to calm an upset child and offer encouragement to a struggling reader just by sitting still while they would read. Former students still ask about Mia when they see me.
I have been blessed over the years to welcome some amazing volunteers in my classroom. Throughout my career, my parents and other family members have volunteered to come in and read with my students or help with a larger STEM activity. Recently, with remote learning, I was able to form better relationships with the families of my students. We were all learning together.
Over the years, I have also had the privilege to serve on different teams. At Wilson, I am a member of the Building Leadership Team and serve on the District Leadership Team. It is always encouraging to attend a District Leadership Meeting. I love learning from other district leaders while sharing and growing together. The team takes away a competitive vibe from the schools and really unites our district.
How long have you been in education?
This is my 19th year teaching. I was hired by the Granite City CUSD #9 in 2004 to teach third grade at Prather Elementary School, where I taught for 10 years. After my second son was born, I took a year off and volunteered with my service dog Mia to work with students needing more help. In 2015, I returned and began teaching second grade. When the district moved to School Centers in 2016, I was moved to Wilson First and Second Center to continue teaching second grade.
Is there a unique or certain way you bring subject matter to life in the classroom?
Each day, I try to remind myself how I felt when I was in second grade. I think about the things that frightened me and the things that brought me joy at school. Now that I have kids of my own, I also try to think about what they enjoy or how they would want to be treated. Taking these into consideration, I then love to incorporate movement, STEM activities and small group instruction. When we can learn together, it makes the subject come alive.
How do you feel about being honored?
I am very humbled by this honor. I have been blessed to work with some amazing educators. Education is a team effort. From the leadership of a principal, the smile each morning from each of our cafeteria workers, a “good morning” from the custodian, a “have a great day” from a parent dropping off their child, a coworker sharing a fun new lesson, the nurse with an informative email, an aide that gives you a word of encouragement, a “you got this” from the secretary, to all of the smiles from the students as they walk in the door, the school is a family. I would not be the teacher I am without my family.
Do you have any special projects or successes you can share?
For the past 15 years, I have coordinated a service-learning project for the school. The students learn the importance of looking for the needs in their community and working together to serve those needs. Each year, we aim to serve the animal shelters in our community. These shelters are filled with wonderful animals being cared for by selfless workers. The school works together to collect monetary donations, as well as food, blankets, treats and more. The project lasts one month. At the end of the month, we have an assembly for the school to see all they have collected. Every year, it is an amazing sight.
To nominate a teacher for the Teacher of the Month program, visit STLtoday.com/contests.