Q: I got a moth orchid a couple of years ago that has produced lots of healthy green leaves, but it never flowered again. What can I do to get it to bloom again?
A: Moth orchids (Phalaenopsis sp.) are one of the easiest orchids to grow because they tolerate indoor environments well, but sometimes getting them to bloom regularly can be challenging.
Under ideal growing conditions, moth orchids typically bloom once a year, but sometimes more. Since your moth orchid has healthy leaves but no blooms, you may need to move it to an area that gets cooler at night, as sustained nighttime temperatures of around 55° degrees should trigger the production of a flower stalk.
Additionally, any old flower stems should be pruned off near the base once they have turned yellow or brown to help with the production of a new flower shoot. Learn more about caring for moth orchids here: tinyurl.com/2dt4by7e.
Write to the Missouri Botanical Garden’s Center for Home Gardening at plantinformation@mobot.org or the Horticulture Answer Service, 4344 Shaw Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63110.