This fall looks different for every student in every stage of learning, and the 2020 College Connection section is no exception. High school juniors and seniors should be preparing to attend the first big college fair of the year, where students mix and mingle with college admissions counselors and gather great information (and swag).
Not this year.
Instead, ‘virtual’ continues to be the word of the year, and we are following suit by including content that helps you navigate this atypical educational journey.
In this issue of College Connection we aim to help you through your junior and senior years of high school with the article, “Navigating college selections in a pandemic world.” You’ll learn about how to stay connected to colleges and how you keep your skills sharp for your college applications. In “Even post-pandemic, virtual learning may become a bigger part of college life,” you will hear how the pandemic has permanently altered the landscape of higher education.
Remember, different doesn’t necessarily mean bad. The real-life lessons of adaptability and flexibility that you are currently mastering will be invaluable to your future. And that’s a good thing.
How does one select a college in such a fluid time? What about standardized testing? How does one build a resume without clubs and extracurriculars in the current virtual school world?
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